| Can you increase my click budget? I know I wanted to start on the lower side of your estimate but the writing is definitely on the wall. Sales are beyond my expectations and based on your last report, I agree to increase the budget by 20% and see how much more that will propel sales. Thanks for being so easy to work with. |  |
WebPromote® - Internet Marketing Services |
Pay Per Click Search Engine Marketing Specialists |
How Many Clicks or Visitors Can I Expect?
Our focus is on PROFIT to YOU. We have a direct-response attitude and although branding makes sense for some organizations, for small to medium sized businesses it's about making money. Each situation is different and our goal is to generate a positive return on your Internet marketing investment. If we do this, we know you'll continue to utilize our services. If we do not think the campaign will generate a profit, we will not engage at all as we don't believe this will serve you nor us. Results tracking is critical, and required, so everyone can readily see how well the campaign is performing and easily calculate ROI.
Do I Need To Generate The Keywords Or Can I Provide Suggestions?
It's our job to do the keyword research however we definitely solicit your input. No one knows your business, market and customers like you do, so the more we understand your business, the better job we can do in creating a campaign that works. We usually can get the business-specific information with a short conversation and then use that to help build a comprehensive keyword list.
Where Will My Ads Appear?
Most campaigns use both Google Adwords and Bing Ads and may also include a number of other search and other PPC sites depending on goals. We run PPC campaigns on LinkedIN, Facebook, Yelp and other sites although for most projects these sites may not make sense. In any case, we discuss the campaign scope before starting and get your approval on any campaign expansion to other sites. Your individual ads will appear in the sponsored results of these sites, and the exact position will vary depending on a number of factors, some of which are the maximum Cost Per Click (CPC), number of competitors bidding on the term and various quality factors relating to your ad and Web site / Landing Page. Campaign start dates vary, depending on our workload and when you want the campaign to go live. Often, this is dependent on the Web site or landing pages being revised, created and tested. We always notify you as soon as your ads are visible to the public.
How Does WebPromote Manage My Campaign?
We handle all aspects of PPC account creation and management. In most cases, we create the accounts on Google, Bing, etc. and use your payment information for full transparency (that way you always know exactly what is going into clicks), we do the keyword discovery, ad copywriting, bid amount setting, overall campaign strategy and key settings and get your ads appearing in the search results. We monitor each of the keyword phrases and individual ads on a regular basis and make adjustments as necessary to ensure we remain within budget and generate a positive ROI. We send you a report monthly with the results and share with you our thoughts for the month to come. Over time, we often add new Internet marketing resources at no additional fee that we feel will enhance your campaign.